Local Leyland News
Community Spotlight:
Leyland Festival Event Photography
We will have an official photographer with us on festival day to capture all the highlights from this year’s events. But we know there will be lots of other amazing photos taken by you on the day – and we want to see them!
Please share your photos with us via our social media pages or by emailing festival@southribble.gov.uk We may use photos sent to us for future printed and/or online publicity for Leyland Festival.
Please note that the Leyland Festival organisers will be taking photos and/or film footage at the event that will be used in the following ways:
- The event’s printed publicity
- The event’s online publicity (including social media)
Images will be stored securely and will not be kept longer than needed for the purposes listed above.
Be assured that we take individuals’ right to privacy seriously and will delete any images that contain any individual or their child, if requested to do so. Should you wish for an image to be deleted, please send your request to festival@southribble.gov.uk giving a description of the photo(s) and where you have seen it.